today i made evryone a cup ov tea but no one lked it lol only couz u spat in it all lk lol
kidding kelly hur my feeling on bebo when she wrots a nasty comment to me lol and calvin was a gd boy and for once he didant strip yay we went ova to the co op again and chased a women up the ile dancing gd but i am awsum ini lol
and i done ell ova job again lol couz im kwl lol deana made a lush cup ov tea fopr me fair dowz the girls done gd job on the painting well done lol urm and stan was dum as normal lk ans cath being kittie cat lol lol ell ov a day tho lol drews being mad lol me and calvin on one all day gd day brow for life urm kelly dun my head in lol so i had her bk on the white bord and i designed the skate board ramp for the wall thing lol and jone was on one he was the light ov the day but he sound anyway and dannie just being lush as normal again lol and malcum helping out well done m8 lol and the comp ppl they awsum too i wana take owen i wana take him out for a pint yay i r elly think wat we doing is looking gd i never thoiught it would be as gd as this but it only couz i been putting in the effort lol and thginking for the first time lol my plan for tomoz is top ask dannie to marry me lol and paint calvin and make a more hgorrable cup ov tea for evryone and spend mpre time having a laugh with jhon when we have finishe evrything we are doing now en and we put it all up out side lk lol i think im gona lovce it couz m y pic is on the wall thing any who off for a fag now and then off on a mad one love u all but love dannie kelly and amy and dena they awsum gd mn8ts but kelly always hurting my feeling :( well any hoo i write tomoz bya bbe love u all
p.s kelly u smell